Version History
Roadsoft 2024.8.1
- Bridge Module:
- Added option to use 'Starts With' or 'Contains' when searching for Bridge ID (now called Structure ID).
- Custom Fields:
- Added option reorder the list of Custom Fields for each module.
- LDC Export:
- Fixed bug which would throw an 'XML Document' exception on showing the Export to LDC form if the settings file was corrupted.
- LDC Import:
- Fixed bug importing multiple custom data types such as Drainage Structure and Custom Points that would throw an exception for duplicates.
LDC 2024.8
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2024.8. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2024.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Sign:
- Fixed bug which would throw an exception after adding a Retro-reflectivity measurement.
LDC 2024.6
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2024.5. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2024.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Sign:
- Removed beep when a new sign is selected for Sign Retro Reflectivity collection.
Roadsoft 2024.6
- Map:
- Added option to all the Find forms to remove features from the current map selection.
- Culvert Module:
- Fixed bug which would revert to defaults for field visibility on restart.
- Custom Modules:
- Fixed some issues which would not allow non-Admin users to access custom point or custom line layers and modules.
- Drainage Reports:
- Fixed exception running any reports due to badly configured saved settings.
- Intersection Module:
- Fixed bug which would make read-only MDOT MIRE fields appear to be editable.
- Pavement Management:
- Added menu to the Pavement Management menu to display paved segments that increased in PASER rating without a treatment.
- Fixed exception deleting a Strategy that is in use by a Project Plan.
- Project Reports:
- Fixed a bug in 'Project Cost with Mileage Detail' report which could mix up segments when run with multiple projects selected/checked.
- Road Module:
- Added right-click option to remove a PR and all its segments from the map selection in the module.
- Fixed bug in module's Project list form which would exclude Projects with a status of 'Planned'.
- Fixed exception in module's Project list form which would error out after editing a project.
- Road Reports:
- Added 'Improved Roads with no Treatment' report to the road inventory reports to display paved segments that increased in PASER rating without a treatment.
- Added 'Detailed Road and Segment w/Custom Fields' report to the road Rating/Treatment reports to display inventory data for segments including a selected Road Custom Field.
- Safety Management:
- Fixed exception when using CS Number for a quick filter on the Crash Data Interface form.
- Sidewalk Module:
- Fixed bug which preventing sorting the PR grid by PRNo or Road Name when clicking on the column header.
- Sign Module:
- Fixed bug which would revert to defaults for field visibility on restart.
- Fixed occasional timeout error when adding user-defined Sign to the library.
Roadsoft 2024.3
- New Features:
- Migration of Michigan basemap framework features from v23 to v24.
- Michigan Crash (2014 - 2022) data updated and migrated to v24. NOTE: 2023 crash will not be available until it is finalized by MDOT after May.
- Michigan Bridge inventory and inspection data updated and located to v24 centerline.
- Bridge Filters:
- Fixed exception selecting any 'Latest' maintenance fields as a filter field.
- Bridge Legends:
- Fixed exception selecting any 'Latest' maintenance fields as a legend field.
- Export to File:
- Fixed exception exporting to file (shape, csv, etc) for Bridge when any 'Latest' maintenance fields were included.
- Road Module:
- Added Projects form to display projects the current segment is part of.
- Sign Module:
- Added Island, Median, and Circle to Side of Street lookup.
- Sign Work Orders:
- Fixed bug in Sign Work Order Report which would show multiple location blocks.
LDC 2024.3
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2024.3. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2024.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
LDC 2024.1
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2024.1. Please Note: Updating from LDC version older than 2023.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Sign:
- Fixed bug in field visibility form which would require switching to a different support/sign for the field visibility change to take effect.
Roadsoft 2024.1
- Bridge Filters:
- Fixed bug which prevented saving a map selection as a filter.
- Bridge Module:
- Added 'Internal Use' field to indicate whether a Bridge Maintenance record should be excluded from TAMC IRT export.
- Export to File:
- Fixed some timeout issues exporting road to file when Last 5/10 Years Ratings was included.
- Fixed some slowness or timeout issues exporting road to file for a larger map selection.
- Pavement Management:
- Added functionality to 'Surface Condition Trend Analysis' to use calculated ratings where missing.
- Safety Management:
- Fixed exception when using PR Number for a quick filter on the Crash Data Interface form.
- Sign Module:
- Fixed bug in Support Multi Edit where Support Type drop-down was displaying work types instead of support types.
- Linear Mark Filters:
- Fixed exception adding criteria for a custom field.
Roadsoft 2023.10
- New Features:
- Added ability to add a map annotation--a point on the map for general notation.
- Added Custom Fields to the Linear Pavement Marking Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Crash Filters:
- Fixed bug in 'Intersection Maintained By' field to only include intersections that the crashes are closest to.
- Drainage Structure Module:
- Fixed bug where certain properties such as Sump Depth Units, Inside Diameter Units, and Surface Type could be edited but would not save to the database.
- Guardrail Reports:
- Fixed bug which would show multiple entries for the same guardrail.
- Map:
- Added Project ID and Scheduled Replace Year as a label field for the Point PMark layer.
- Added Roadsoft ID as a label field for the Culvert, Road, and Traffic Count layers.
- Added Roadsoft Support ID as a label field for the Sign layer.
- TAMC Export:
- Fixed broken URL for TAMC Export of Projects to IRT.
- Road Reports:
- Fixed bug which could result in overlapping segment milepoints where segment name change occurs on a PR.
- Safety Analysis:
- Fixed bug in 'Intersection Maintained By' filter to only include intersections that the crashes are closest to.
- Sign Filters:
- Added Inspector(s), Latest filter field.
- Sign Module:
- Added Traffic Control Order as an editable text field to Sign Information.
LDC 2023.10
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2023.10. Please Note: Updating from LDC version older than 2023.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- New Features:
- Added ability to add a map annotation--a point on the map for general notation.
- Sign:
- Added Traffic Control Order as an editable text field to Sign Information.
Roadsoft 2023.7
- New Features:
- Added ability to add a point asset (Culvert, Drainage Structure, Driveway, Point PMark, Sign, Traffic Count, Traffic Signal) by entering latitude/longitude.
- Added Road Rating History Map to Pavement Management Menu to view map of PASER ratings for a historical date on a filtered group of segments.
- Added TAMC Submission option for Michigan local agencies to submit their culvert inventory and inspection data to the Transporation Asset Management Council.
- Bridge Filters:
- Added Structure Number to filter fields list.
- Bridge Module:
- Added Bridge ID to search options.
- Driveway Module:
- Driveway Surface Type is now an editable lookup.
- Editable Lookups:
- Fixed bug which allowed a duplicate lookup value to be added to the list.
- Export to File:
- Fixed bug in exporting to csv which would treat string numbers as numeric which could remove zero prefix or convert to scientific notation for large values in Excel.
- Fixed bug in exporting to csv which would not remove carriage returns from data column values which would break the line.
- Fixed bug in exporting bridge data to file including the following fields: Approach Surface Type, Horizontal Clearance Right, Maintenanced is Reactionary, Stringer Rating, and Year Reconstructed.
- Guardrail Module:
- Fixed exception adding a new guardrail on initial load of the Add Guardrail form.
- Intersection Module:
- Fixed exception saving any edits to an intersection.
- Pavement Management:
- Added Road Rating History Map to Pavement Management Menu to view map of PASER ratings for a historical date on a filtered group of segments.
- Point PMark Module:
- Fixed exception deleting a Point PMark if it is the only one selected.
- Sign Module:
- Updated property for Sign MUTCD Description to display as read-only.
- Traffic Signal Reports:
- Fixed exception running Traffic Signal Inventory Report and Traffic Signal Inspection Report.
LDC 2023.7
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2023.7. Please Note: Updating from LDC version older than 2023.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Drainage Structure:
- Fixed exception adding a structure when the structures have been filtered (not a complete dataset).
- Point PMark:
- Fixed exception deleting a Point PMark if no Custom Fields exist.
Roadsoft 2023.4.1
- General (2023.4.1):
- This is a hotfix update for Roadsoft. IF YOU HAVE OUTSTANDING LDC Data in 2023.3 or newer, it is strongly recommended to update to this version BEFORE importing.
- LDC Export (2023.4.1):
- Fixed bug exporting Linear PMark to LDC which could cause errors importing back into Roadsoft.
- LDC Import (2023.4.1):
- Fixed bug in partial migration of imports of LDC for Culvert, Drainage Structure, Driveway, Point PMark, and Sign.
- Fixed bug importing Signs from LDC which could result in some Work Orders not coming in.
- Export to File:
- Fixed bug exporting to file using a filter which would export all shapes rather than just filtered ones.
- Fixed exception exporting Road shapes to shapefile when 'Rating History (PASER) - 10 Year' field was included.
- LDC Export:
- Fixed bug exporting filtered sign which would output incorrect stats as if all signs/supports were exported.
- Sign Management:
- Fixed bug editing a sign image which would not save the image to the database.
LDC 2023.4
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2023.4. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2023.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Added Search form to allow users to search the map by Road Name.
- Sign:
- Fixed bug that would prevent deleting a sign or support.
LDC 2023.3
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2023.3. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2023.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- When applying a theme, user now has option to cancel the restart of the program.
- New Features:
- Added Custom Fields to the Point Pavement Marking Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Culvert:
- Fixed exception editing Culvert Defaults.
- Guardrail:
- Fixed issue updating guardrail location which would cause an exception on import into Roadsoft.
- Sign:
- Fixed bug saving a sign work order
- Fixed bug when changing activity on newly completed work order which did not get propogated to the add maintenance form.
Roadsoft 2023.3
- New Features:
- Migration of Michigan basemap framework features from v22 to v23.
- Crash (2013 - 2021) data updated and migrated to v23. NOTE: 2022 crash will not be available until it is finalized by MDOT after April.
- Bridge data updated and located to v23 centerline.
- Added support for SQL 2022. Note: Supported SQL Versions include 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2022.
- Added Custom Fields to the Point Pavement Marking Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Added Custom Fields to the Traffic Count Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- General:
- When a module form is undocked/floating, it will now have a maximize button.
- When applying a theme, user now has option to cancel the restart of the program.
- Export to File:
- Fixed bug exporting Last 5/10 Years PASER ratings. If 'Exclude Current Year for Rating' was checked, ratings would be shifted back a year.
- Fixed bug exporting Intersections to file from the Intersection Ranking form.
- Sign Management:
- MUTCD Code lookup updated. All images have been updated and will need to be re-downloaded (see hyperlink in the Sign Module).
- Tweaked and simplified the Sign Search form search options. User can now enter a MUTCD code or description to find a sign in a single search box.
- Sign Module:
- Fixed slow performance loading the module for a PR with a large number of supports.
- Sign/Support multi-edit for memo now has option to append, insert, or replace the memo value.
- Fixed issue in Support multi-edit which would not display the current memo values.
- Sign Reports:
- Fixed exception running Sign Report - Archived.
- Traffic Count Module:
- Fixed validation on Peak AM/PM Hours which would not allow entry of time in '12:00' format.
LDC 2023.1.3
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2023.1. Please Note: Updating LDC version older than 2022.3 will require a new export from Roadsoft.
- Drainage Structure:
- After an inspection is saved, the structure will change to green.
- Linear Mark:
- Fixed exception saving changes to Linear Mark Defaults.
- Road:
- Rating Memo is now available for local PASER data collection.
- Fixed bug in rating history which would show 'Unpaved Validated' for paved segment with treatment that did not affect the rating.
Roadsoft 2023.1
- General:
- SQL 2012 is no longer supported. Roadsoft will no longer allow login to a SQL 2012 database. DO NOT UPDATE to this version unless your SQL Instance is 2014 or newer.
- New Feature:
- Added support for Roadsoft Mobile Point Pavement Marking data collection.
- Added Custom Point Module with fully customizable fields. Module is created via the Add Layer form (Custom Layer tab).
- Added Custom Line Module with fully customizable fields. Module is created via the Add Layer form (Custom Layer tab).
- Culvert Reports:
- Fixed bugs in Latest Culvert Rating Reports that would pull too many records and incorrect ratings for some.
- Guardrail Module:
- Ground Clearance and Post Spacing are now numeric fields with units. Legacy text fields will be read-only under the new field.
- LDC Import:
- Fixed bug importing Point PMarks from LDC which would not include the memo for newly added marks.
- Map:
- Added 'Year Last Resurfaced' to Road Label options.
- Point PMark Module:
- Added multi-edit for some Point Pavement Mark fields.
- Routine Maintenance:
- Last search text is now saved and applied as a filter upon restart of the Routine Maintenance Project List and Routine Maintenance Project Reports windows.
- Road Legends:
- Added Federal Aid legend.
- Added Maintained By legend.
- Road Reports:
- Added 'Current PASER Rating Summary w/Chart' report
- Fixed 'Current PASER Rating Mileage Summary' report to exclude unpaved road mileage.
- Roadsoft Import:
- Fixed bug importing Roadsoft data with Bridge Maintenance data.
- Project Builder:
- Last search text is now saved and applied as a filter upon restart of the Project List and Project Reports windows.
LDC 2022.10
- New Features:
- Added Custom Fields to the Guardrail Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- GPS:
- Added ability to read 'GN' GPS sentences to support units such as the new GlobalSat BU353N GPS receiver unit
- Road:
- Fixed bug in Unrated Segments Form which could show a segment that appeared to be rated but wasn't--usually caused by a rating that was undone.
Roadsoft 2022.10
- New Features:
- Added Custom Fields to the Guardrail Module. User can define an unlimited number of fields of the following types: Date, Decimal, Long Note, Lookup, Short String, Whole Number, or Yes/No Flag.
- Bridge Module:
- Added editable Memo field to the module. This field is importable/exportable, filterable, and searchable.
- Fixed 'Input string was not in a correct format' exception loading the module for certain bridges with null value for Truck Pct.
- Bridge Reports:
- Added 'Bridge Condition by Material' and 'Bridge Condition by Design' reports.
- Culvert Legends:
- Added 'SAMPLE: Inspection Rating' sample legend to display Good/Fair/Poor/Severe legend for Inspection Barrel Rating.
- Culvert Module:
- Added tool to Asset Management->Culvert Management menu for converting latest Culvert Ratings to Culvert Inspections.
- Added multi-edit for some Culvert fields.
- Fixed Print Work Order to display the correct Culvert Shape.
- Fixed bug adding a culvert which would swap the lat/lon values in the database.
- Drainage Structure Module:
- Fixed exception printing a drainage structure from the module.
- Guardrail Module:
- Added multi-edit for Guardrail Custom Fields via the Asset Management->Guardrail Management menu.
- LDC Import:
- Fixed NULL exception on 'Length' column importing LDC Culvert data into Roadsoft.
- Fixed bug importing LDC Road data which could incorrectly split segments.
- MIRE Update:
- Simplified the process further to allow cloud submission of updated MIRE data to MDOT.
- Pavement Management:
- Fixed some display issues on Project Planner and Strategy/Optimization for high Dpi displays.
- Project Builder:
- Fixed bug saving an existing project which would throw exception if the segments were filtered out from the map.
- Road Module:
- Added NFC, Legal System, and City/Twp to 'Segments on...' grid.
- Fixed bug saving MIRE Surface Type for a segment with Surface Type = Undefined which would not show the set MIRE Surface Type on reload.
- Fixed bug in multi-edit which would not show data was applied on clicking Apply.
- Fixed exception doing multi-edit of Treatments for segments with differing Surface Subtypes.
- Road Reports:
- Created a new group for summary reports.
- Modernized/updated several PASER/IBR summary reports.
- Safety Analysis:
- Updated Intersection ranking to display user updated Intersection Name rather than Framework Intersection Name.
- Sign Module:
- Fixed exception deleting a sign along with its suppport from the Sign Inventory grid.
- Traffic Count Module:
- Added functionality to default to last used Duration and Interval when adding a new Count Summary or County Summary with Detail.
- Fixed bug where an update to Traffic Count Station percent commercial was not updating the Road Module's percent commercial value for all segments related to the station.
- Fixed bad font sizing on Seg Count History grid.