Version History
LDC 2020.1
- NOTE: Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft. This version will NOT install on Windows 7. Windows 8.1 or newer is required.
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2020.1
- Fixed bug which would allow adding an asset even after GPS was disconnected.
Roadsoft 2021.1
- New Feature:
- Added support for Roadsoft Mobile collection of Drainage Structures (points).
- Culvert Module:
- Added Inspector to Culvert Rating/Inspection.
- Drainage Network Module:
- Fixed bug after multi-editing which would throw and exception: 'Non-static method requires a target'.
- Fixed bug making selections which would not update the PR Grid in the module properly.
- Export to File:
- Fixed bug exporting Drainage Structures which would not use the selected column order.
- Fixed exception exporting Drainage Structures including any 'units' fields and some of the Road-related fields.
- Filter Builder:
- Added Date Last Edited and Date Last Run columns to Filters for additional management options.
- Added indicator to show if a filter is in use by another filter or a Strategy/Project Plan.
- Intersection Module:
- Fixed exception searching for an intersection by Road Name.
- Map:
- Fixed 'Field does not exist or is marked as deleted' exception when clicking on an external polygon layer using the Spatial Selection Tool.
- Safety Analysis:
- Fixed exception exporting crash to shapefile from the SMS Interface form.
- TAMC Export:
- Fixed bug in TAMC Bridge Export report which would hide the first bridge's maintenance info.
- Traffic Count Module:
- Redesigned map selection and point adding to better illustrate segments included in a traffic count station.
LDC 2021.1
- General:
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2021.1.
- Culvert:
- Added Inspector to Culvert Rating/Inspection.
- Map:
- Fixed exception when clicking to add an asset when too far away from any road segment.
- Road:
- Fixed exception saving IBR Rating if the user removed all treatments from Gravel/Earth surface types.
Roadsoft 2020.10
- Fixed exception loading Roadsoft Data Statistics.
Pavement Management:
- Fixed Surface Condition Trend Display form to update chart and data when the Year From/To is changed.
- Added item to the Deterioration Curve Settings Form: InitialAge and SinglePointMethod.
Project Builder:
- Fixed slowness caused by the Project Map on opening the Project Search form with a large amount of projects in the filter.
- Fixed timeout exception opening a saved Project from the Project Search form.
- Fixed inability to re-segment an existing project.
Road Filters:
- Changed User Inventory ID filter field to allow multiple values.
- Added missing operators to Surface Rating, Historical.
Road Module:
- Fixed '@prNo is not a parameter...' exception when doing multi-edit for a PR from within the module.
Road Reports:
- Fixed bug in Good/Fair/Poor Summary w/Chart and Remaining Service Life (RS) Summary w/Chart reports that reported incorrect mileage that didn't match the current filter.
Routine Maintenance:
- Fixed slowness caused by the Project Map on opening the Routine Maintenance filter form with a large amount of projects in the filter.
Traffic Count Filters:
- Changed User Station ID filter field to use Like/Not Like operators.
LDC 2020.10
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2020.10.
Point Pavement Marking:
- Fixed exception, 'Must add values for the following parameters: @PRNO' when adjusting the location of a Point PMark.
- Fixed issue selecting a sign with an MUTCD code that has a trailing space.
Roadsoft 2020.8
Culvert Module:
- Fixed bug in Culvert Print Screen which would result in a 2nd duplicate page.
Drainage Network Module:
- Added additional search features for Structure, Pipe, and Basin.
- Fixed exception printing a Drainage Basin.
- Fixed exception printing a Drainage Pipe.
Export to File:
- Fixed exception exporting Intersection layer to shapefile or dbf when the Geometry column was included.
- Fixed bug when applying labels to the map when a legend is already applied--the labels do not appear until restart.
- Fixed bug when applying a large road filter selection from the Filter Builder where the Selection Info grid would remain empty but the map selection would update.
Pavement Management:
- Fixed bug in display of the Strategy Settings form which would display it too large for the screen and couldn't be resized.
- Fixed 'object reference error' in Project Planner when switching Pavement Type to a Sealcoat type when the plan is based on Model Treatments.
- Fixed 'System.OutOfMemoryException' running Strategy reports.
- Added a Deterioration Settings form with items: InferTreatments, RatingYear, and UseRounding..
Project Builder:
- Added Project Map to the Project Search and Project Reports forms for both Road Projects and Routine Maintenance
- Added Project Map Report to the Project Reports form which will print the current filtered list of reports with a map of the segments in the project.
- Added code to set a default surface subtype for a new project based on the current segment(s) surface subtype.
Road Filters:
- Added IBR Rating Date, Historical and Last IBR Rating Date to filter fields.
- Improved IBR-related filter fields to allow criteria to identify unpaved roads that have never been rated using IBR.
Road Module:
- Fixed unhandled exception after using the Curve form to include or exclude ratings from curve.
Road Reports:
- Fixed overflow exception running 'Current PASER Rating Mileage Summary' report with Mileage Type: Lane for a larger jurisdiction.
- Fixed 'report not found' exception running the Current PASER Rating Report and the Last Rating Entered Report (error occurs only the first time the report is run).
- Fixed Execution Timeout Expired running the Detailed Road and Segment report..
Safety Analysis:
- Added 'Pedestrian Involved' column to the Crash Data Interface.
- Fixed PtID Conversion error exporting to shapefile from the Intersection Ranking form.
- Fixed bug in Intersection Ranking where the Apply as Selection button did not select anything on the map.
Sidewalk Reports:
- Added Sidewalk Inspection Report that includes Proposed Activities
TAMC Export:
- Fixed bug which caused some consecutive projects to get rolled together.
Traffic Count Module:
- Fixed bug when updating User Station ID. If User Station ID was used as the map label, the label would not get updated until restart of Roadsoft.
LDC 2020.8
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2020.8.
LDC 2020.5
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2020.5.
- Fixed readability of LDC Shortcut Keys Grid text.
- Fixed object null reference exception adding a Stream Crossing Survey.
- Fixed 'Could not load file or assembly' exception splitting a sidewalk.
Roadsoft 2020.5
Culvert Module
- Fixed bug which threw exception when searching for a Culvert with a filter applied to the layer.
- Fixed 'No data found' issue when printing a Culvert.
- Fixed bug which would disable the 'Add Work Order' button on the Work Order list form when switching to the map and clearing the selection before making another selection.
- Fixed bug which would disable the 'Add Stream Crossing' button on the Stream Crossing list form when switching to the map and clearing the selection before making another selection.
Drainage Structure Module
- Fixed 'DAL initialization failed' exception opening the module
- Reorganized the module into dockable forms for each type (point, line, polygon).
Export to File
- Fixed bug when removing fields from the 'Fields to Export' list which would cause the field list to change back to alphabetical order rather than the order as added to the list.
Filter Builder
- Added the ability to filter the list of saved filters by owner.
- Added the ability for Power Users to view unshared filters.
- When saving, Filter Description will default to the descriptive filter criteria if left empty.
Linear Mark Module
- Fixed bug which allowed duplicate Color values (based on case-insensitivity) in the Color lookup.
Point Pavement Mark Module
- Fixed bug which caused certain marks to be migrated to a zero milepoint.
- Fixed 'No data found' issue when printing a Point Pavement Mark.
Roadsoft Import
- Fixed bug importing Culvert data which would throw a foreign key violation exception because of invalid work order activities.
Road Filters
- Fixed exception adding 'Boundary Road' criteria to a filter.
Road Reports
- Fixed bug loading the Detailed Road and Segment report the first time running.
Sign Module
- Fixed bug which caused endless restart loop because sign shapes were out of sync but the creation was failing.
- Fixed unhandled exception changing the category filter in the Sign Library after selecting a sign.
Traffic Signal Module
- Fixed 'exception getting Traffic Signal info' bug loading the module.
LDC 2020.4
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2020.4.
- Fixed issue with Road layers loading in the wrong order (fixed in 2020.3.2 release).
- Fixed null reference exception when GPS selects a road segment (fixed in 2020.3.1 release).
- Fixed 'Specified cast is not valid' exception adding a Sign (fixed in 2020.3.3 release).
Roadsoft 2020.4
Crash Reports:
- Fixed bug in Intersection-related reports (Standard Crash Report - Intersection, Standard Crash Report - Intersection by Year, and Standard Crash Report - Intersection One-Line Listing) which would display field names rather than data.
Framework Migration:
- Fixed bug migrating old edited Crash data.
- Fixed bug migrating Linear Pavement Markings which would leave gaps in segments and would result in segments that could not be collected in LDC.
- Fixed foreign key violation migrating Linear Pavement Markings.
- Removed exception message when reloading basemap layers that no longer have data (such as Rail or Non-PR Roads).
- Fixed bug in which layer filters were not reapplied after migration, resulting in an empty layer with no shapes until the filter was cleared or reapplied.
- Fixed field truncation on Migration Summary reports for Projects and Guardrail.
- Fixed unhandled exception opening a module if the last state of the form was undocked.
- Fixed issue on high-DPI displays where Map Layer Properties window always showed with a default size that was too small.
Project Builder:
- Fixed some inefficient code in loading the Project Add/Edit form which would result in long delays depending on the number of total saved projects in the database.
Roadsoft Export:
- Fixed bug exporting to Roadsoft export file when Intersection layer was included.
Road Module:
- Fixed unhandled exception switching to the Routine Maintenance page in Multi-Edit
Safety Analysis:
- Fixed 'The method or operation is not implemented' when downloading multiple UD10s from the map for the current selection.
Small Segment Tool:
- Added ability to filter list of small segments by All Roads, City Roads, County Roads, or State Roads.
- Added search box to find a particular small segment by road name.
- Added right-click options to the grids to 'Zoom to Current Segment(s) on Map' or to 'Select Current Segments on Map'
LDC 2020.3
- NOTE: Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft. This version will NOT install on Windows 7. Windows 8.1 or newer is required.
- Updated to support Roadsoft 2020.3. Please Note: This version will require a new export from Roadsoft for data collection.
Roadsoft 2020.3
New Features:
- Migration of Michigan basemap framework features from Michigan Geographic Framework (MGF) v17 to Roads and Highways (RH) v20.
- Crash and Bridge data migrated to RH v20.
- Drainage Structure module now includes line and polygon assets in addition to point assets.
- Added support for better rendering on high-DPI displays.
Culvert Module:
- Fixed issues on the Associate Culvert Photos window which would not display some images correctly.
Export to File:
- Fixed bug exporting to file for Intersection or Drainage Structure layers which resulted in an exception: 'Cannot find column UserSortOrder'.
Routine Maintenance Reports:
- Fixed bug in 'Routine Maintenance by Segment' report which would show nothing but an error at the bottom; 'Group [PRNo] has invalid grouping expression'.
Sign Reports:
- Fixed out of memory exception exporting Sign Inventory Report to file.
Traffic Count Module:
- Fixed bug map selection info which would show more than 1 record per station due to a bad join.
Roadsoft 2020.1
- NOTE: Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft. This version will NOT install on Windows 7. Windows 8.1 or newer is required.
Culvert Module:
- Fixed issues on the Culvert Print report which would show misaligned or incorrect units for culvert measurements.
Drainage Structure Module:
- Fixed bug which would leave orphaned Pipe Information data after deleting a Drainage Structure.
- Fixed bug which would not automatically select a newly added Drainage Structure in the module.
- Fixed exception deleting a proposed activity.
Export to File:
- Fixed bug in Sign layer fields which would not allow certain fields to be moved/sorted independently (MUTCDCode, MUTCD, MUTCDDesc, for example).
- Fixed bug in Road layer export when Last 10/5 Years Ratings was included, columns exported were mismatched or incorrect..
Framework Correction Requests:
- Fixed exception uploading/submitting correction requests.
- Added feature to Measure Tool so the measure drawings are visible in the Add Feature dialog to make it easier to add an asset exactly where it was measured.
- Added map right-click option to save the map as a .png image file.
- Fixed bug when printing map with a legend applied for a point layer where the default values (not included in legend) were too small to see on the printout.
- Fixed bug which would cause the map to snap back to the previous extent when Google Street View window is open.
- Fixed exception right-clicking on an unselected row in the Selection Info window.
- Fixed bug which caused extremely slow map selections because of attached documents.
Road Legends:
- Fixed bug in Road Restriction Type legend which would not apply for Restriction Type = Not Designated.
Road Reports:
- Added 'Good/Fair/Poor Summary w/Chart' Report to 'Rating/Treatment' reports.
- Added 'Remaining Service Life (RSL) Summary w/Chart' Report to 'Rating/Treatment' reports.
Roadsoft Import:
- Fixed exception importing a Roadsoft Export that contained Drainage Structures with a custom field lookup.
Sidewalk Module:
- Fixed exception clicking 'Edit Location' in the module.
Sign Module:
- Fixed bug which would load the Data Interface form with the bottom row of buttons unavailable on a short screen resolution
LDC 2019.10
- Stream Crossing Survey attached images are now automatically renamed based on the location: Inlet, Outlet, Upstream, Downstream, LeftApproach, and RightApproach.
Drainage Structure:
- Fixed exception adjusting or adding a Drainage Structure
Linear Pavement Marking:
- Fixed bug where the Linear Type and material were not editable in the defaults for Linear Marks
- Last rated road segment will be changed to yellow to help raters identify where they left off after a break.
- For TAMC Data collection, rating history will now display after the rating is saved.
- Added code to revert sign color on map back to red if a newly added inspection is deleted.
Roadsoft 2019.10
- SQL 2008/2008R2 are no longer supported. Roadsoft will no longer allow login to a SQL 2008/2008R2 database. DO NOT UPDATE to this version unless your SQL Instance is 2012 or newer.
Bridge Legends:
- Added Good/Fair/Poor legend field.
- Added 'SAMPLE: Good/Fair/Poor' sample legend to Bridge legends.
Cloud Management:
- Fixed bug when deleting a file from the cloud which would not delete anything.
Crash Filters:
- Added 'Search for UD-10s' menu option to Safety Analysis to allow download and view of any crash including unlocated ones
- Added the following new filter fields: Truck/Bus GVWR /GCWR (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/Bus Vehicle Configuration (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/ Bus Cargo Body Type Unit (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/Bus Hazardous Material (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/Bus Hazardous Material Spill (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Automation System(s) in Vehicle (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Automation System Level in Vehicle (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Automation System Level Engaged at Time of Crash (Unit 1, 2, and 3). As no data has yet been pulled from the MSP database, these values will have the default 'Uncoded and Errors' value.
Culvert Module:
- Added function to automatically update the install date when a culvert maintenance of new or replace is added.
- Stream Crossing Survey attached images are now automatically renamed based on the location: Inlet, Outlet, Upstream, Downstream, LeftApproach, and RightApproach.
Document Attachments:
- Document attachments can now be renamed in the module from the right-click menu.
Drainage Structure Filters:
- Filter Builder for Drainage Structure now includes Road-related fields including Saved Road Filters.
- Fixed bug saving a map selection as a filter.
Export to File:
- TImplemented export to file for intersections.
- Added 'Roadsoft Online Manual' menu item to the Help menu that browses to the Roadsoft Online Manual site in the user's default browser.
Intersection Module:
- Traffic Control is now a user-editable lookup.
- 'Open in Google Maps', 'Open in Google Street View' and 'Open in Bing Maps' (from the map right-click menu under 'Web Integration') now opens in a split screen from the map. Zooming and panning the map will keep the Google map in sync and vice versa.
- Print Map will now save the last user entered Title and Subtitle
- Selection Info will now flash the shape for the currently highlighted row when it is clicked or moved onto via the up/down arrow keys.
- Fixed exception editing a value in a module for a field that is currently used in a a legend
Project Builder:
- Added document attachments to Projects
- Search/Filter will now find projects containing search text in Description as well as Location and Project #.
Road Filters:
- Fixed sort order for IBR Rating and Last IBR Rating field values to be in numeric order.
Road Module:
- Fixed multi-edit bug which allowed IBR Ratings to be applied to paved road segments.
- Fixed multi-edit bug which allowed incomplete IBR Ratings to be applied.
Routine Maintencance:
- Added option to 'Routine Maintenance by Segment' report to enable/disable aggregation of connected segments by PR.
- Fixed 'Routine Maintenance by Segment' report to display the correct segment 'To Description'
Sidewalk Module:
- Fixed bug which would throw an exception when trying to open the Multi Edit form.
TAMC Export:
- When previewing report for Current or Planned Treatmens by Location, the report now includes the correct Total Costs for the project rather than listing the total for each segment.
Traffic Count Filters:
- Fixed exception using any of the 'Latest*' filter fields.
Roadsoft 2019.6
New Features:
- Updated Crash data for 2009 - 2018 (re-import of data required).
Cloud Managment:
- Cloud File Storage Cleanup now shows Display Name for files that were uploaded from Roadsoft to Cloud to help better identify uploads.
Culvert Filters:
- Fixed filter for Culvert Entrance Structure which was looking up values for Exit Structure instead
Document Attachments:
- Added code to automatically downsize large images for storage.
- Added Large Photo Resizer to downsize large images for storage.
- Updated the form to display all attached documents for a module to allow sorting on filename as well as multi-select for making map selections based on selected docs.
- Added 'HasDocs' field to Map Selection Info to indicate if a selected asset has one or more document attachments for the following modules: Bridge, Culvert, Drainage Structure, Driveway, Guardrail, Intersection, Point Pavement Marking, Road, Sidewalk, Sign, Traffic Count, and Traffic Signal.
Drainage Structure:
- Implemented Export to File.
- Added 'Equalizer' lookup value for Pipe Information Flow Direction.
Filter Builder:
- Added filter field 'Has Attached Docs' to determine if an asset has one or more document attachments to the following modules: Bridge, Culvert, Drainage Structure, Driveway, Guardrail, Intersection, Point Pavement Marking, Road, Sidewalk, Sign, Traffic Count, and Traffic Signal.
- Fixed issue when replacing selection which would not zoom to the selection if there was a single point shape in the filtered data.
- Added LastIBRRating and LastIBRRatingDate to Road Selection Info
- Fixed issue resetting Main Window dock layout which would not actually reset anything.
Pavement Management:
- Re-implemented Surface Condition Trend Analysis (under Asset Management->Pavement Management menu)
Road Module:
- Fixed bug in multi-edit of User-Defined fields which would not allow editing (fields were read-only in form).
- Fixed issue when updating 'Use Rating' on the Curve Form which would not update the module data
Safety Analysis:
- Added 'Search for UD-10s' menu option to Safety Analysis to allow download and view of any crash including unlocated ones
- Added the following new fields to the Crash data table: Truck/Bus GVWR /GCWR (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/Bus Vehicle Configuration (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/ Bus Cargo Body Type Unit (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/Bus Hazardous Material (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Truck/Bus Hazardous Material Spill (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Automation System(s) in Vehicle (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Automation System Level in Vehicle (Unit 1, 2, and 3), Automation System Level Engaged at Time of Crash (Unit 1, 2, and 3). These fields have also been added to the Crash Data Interface (SMS) as well as Layer Export, Export to CRIS file, and the Crash Module (Vehicle Tab), however, as no data has yet been pulled from the MSP database, these values will have the default 'Uncoded and Errors' value.
Sidewalk Module:
- Fixed sort order for Inspection Condition lookup values so they are in description order rather than ID order.
Traffic Signal Module:
- Changed heirarchy options so any device, other than another span or pole, can be added to a span.
- When adding a new Signal Location, map click will snap to the nearest intersection within 50 feet..
Work Order Control:
- Fixed exception applying a work order to multiple assets.
LDC 2019.6
- Fixed issue with the form locking up on startup on certain resolutions.
Document Attachments:
- Added code to automatically downsize large images for storage.
- Added status when loading export from Roadsoft that contains a large amount of document attachments.
- Improved Export to Roadsoft code when document attachments are included to be more efficient and faster.
- Fixed sort order for Inspection Condition lookup values so they are in description order rather than ID order.
Roadsoft 2019.4
Drainage Structure Module:
- Fixed issue with long delay after selecting an existing drainage structure
Export to File:
- Added Sign Bottom Height to shapefile export fields list.
Road Module:
- Fixed bug which would not show expandable text box for Memo field.
- Fixed bug which would not update map labels when a road alias was changed.
Roadsoft Import:
- Fixed 'Invalid object name...' exception importing region export into a newly built database.
Traffic Signal Module:
- Fixed bug which would show incorrect sort for Poles/Spans when there are more than 9.
Traffic Signal Filters:
- Fixed exception running filter using the 'Saved Filter' field.
LDC 2019.4
Drainage Structure:
- Fixed issue with long delay after selecting an existing drainage structure
Linear Pavement Marking:
- Fixed 'Specified cast is not valid' exception upon opening a database for Linear Pavement Marking collection
- Fixed bug which would not show expandable text box for Memo field.