Previous Trainings
2021 Special Topics in Roadsoft: Mastering the Filter Builder and Legend Builder
This webinar is intended for all Roadsoft users. Topics will include: Filter Builder basics, filter field clarification, advanced filter examples, multiple uses for saved filters, using the Legend Builder, combining filters and legends.
2021 Special Topics in Roadsoft: RS SQL Database Management
Training topics include: installing Roadsoft-provided SQL Express; creating a new database; backing up, restoring, moving, and sharing a database; updating SQL Express; using multiple databases.
2021 Introduction to Roadsoft - September - 2-Day Webinar
This webinar is intended for new users who only need to know the basics of getting Roadsoft up and running, looking up data, doing minor updates, and running simple reports.
2021 Roadsoft User Group (RUG) Meeting - Aug
Your feedback makes a difference! Join us for a progress report on the Roadsoft 2021 work plan. And discuss ideas for the Roadsoft 2022 work plan.